Exclusive 30 Pages Coloring eBook - GM Lead LP

As Featured in

Bonding Moments

Hours of Fun for the Whole Family

Happy Customers

Who Love Our Posters

"My Grandkids love coloring the lion poster. Great time at nana's house!"


"Love the ginormous coloring pages. But the customer service takes the cake!! When the post office damaged my packages not once but twice, they quickly mailed out a replacement without hesitation."


"My kindergarten class loved it! Great group activity!"


Frequently Asked Questions

What does my e-Book contain?

Your e-Book is comprised of 30 original and unique designs that we have compiled to give you a new and exciting experience on every page.

What can I do with my ebook?

Once you've entered your name and email above we'll send you your brand new ebook by email. For a hard cover version you'll be able to print it off and colour it in or you can download it on your iPad and start colouring.

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